We, at Dedicated Dynamics, are committed to producing suppressed and disruptive technologies for all people.

Our main projects are PEPPs (Perpetual Energy PowerPaks), which will last hundreds of years longer than current batteries, and can be retrofitted for your appliances and vehicles, whether on the road, water, or air. We will also create smaller PEPPs for laptops, tablets, phones, etc. Homes in the future won’t require any hard wiring.

Our next big project is a machine to regenerate our bodies, reversing aging and disease, and we have many other projects in the works too. The RegenPod is vital for all Holistic Therapists and Clinics.

Other projects planned are along the lines of Star Trek technologies, sonic dishwashers, sonic washing machines, etc. These machines will be designed to pop-up out of a cabinet to save space. The refrigerator will do the same, just won’t be sonic. Other sonic handheld devices are planned, such as a screwdriver, hairbrush, and more.

Please view the funding page for other important information.