This project list is not inclusive–many more projects are planned, but 41 is a great beginning. You will find the entire Technology Development Program available for download on the Funding page.

Technology – Not So Disruptive

Project 1: Ultrasonic Finishing Tool
Description: Dremel makes a really good rotary tool, but it’s limited. One needs to have a really steady hand to use it, the brushes have a limited lifespan on the motor, and there are some places that are just horribly difficult to get into. This one uses an ultrasonic resonator with stationary tools like Exacto knives, polishing wands and other tools for finishing 3D printed and machined items. According to the McGrath patent, an ultrasonic frequency along with 300 Hz modulation can soften metals, so that can be used as well, tuning frequencies for the best finish or cutting.

Project 2: Sonic Screwdriver or Ratchet
Description: Metals tend to bond through electrostatic and electromagnetic forces. Ultrasonics tend to interfere with those forces to neutralize them. In the case of a screw that is stuck in place, usually a chemical means such as penetrating oil is used to try and loosen it by getting between the surfaces. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Using ultrasonics to vibrate the surfaces and at the same time interfere with the binding forces is a more elegant alternative, and one that does not use chemicals to do so.

Project 3: Ultrasonic Hair Brush With Removable Attachments
Description: Hair tangles through the same electrostatic forces mentioned above. An ultrasonic brush will de-tangle and polish the hair shafts at the same time. It will also stimulate the roots to accelerate hair growth. This may also help male and female pattern baldness. Not a cure, but a means to accelerate the hair growth while other means are tried. The hair brush can also have detachable heads, so that it can be used as a razor as well, providing a smooth, clean shave without cream or chemicals. Another head can be used for cleaning teeth, or stimulating gum growth. Ear wax removal can be experimented to see if that is feasible. The proper frequencies to liquefy the ear wax would be needed.

Project 4: Ultrasonic Clothes Washer
Description: This concept has already been proven with cleaning small parts and jewelry. We would be extending it to a larger dimension, about the size of an apartment washer. Ultrasonics in liquids tend to make bubbles that implode, providing a scrubbing action, and the ultrasonic frequencies interfere with the electromagnetic and electrostatic bond that the dirt has to the clothing. It also can neutralize the surface tension of the water, so no soap is needed. It also softens the fibers so no fabric softener is needed either. The water can be filtered and recycled as well, resulting in low overall water usage.

Project 5: Ultrawave Oven
Description: The oven can have three transducers that provide a rotating sonic field that can stir liquids, and emulsify oil and water to make gravies and other sauces. It can mix and disperse at the same time, something a microwave cannot do. It uses far less power and is more efficient, which is also why we do not have it.

Project 6: Ultrasonic Floor Cleaner
Description: This one is a bit trickier, as there needs to be a sound dampener or anti-wave generator to make sure the ultrasonic frequency is not transmitted up the handle. This can be accomplished with the Bose noise canceling tech used in their headphones.

The floor cleaner has a head that vibrates above the range of human hearing, scrubbing the floor without the need for soap, neutralizing the surface tension of the water used. It also will neutralize the electrostatic bond of the dirt to the floor. Frequencies can also be used that disrupt the membranes of bacteria, effectively destroying them, and destroying the chitin of insect eggs resulting in far cleaner surfaces than we have now. Employing Rife frequencies are also possible against mold and fungi.

Project 7: Ultrasonic Floor Robot
Description: This is the next stage after the ultrasonic floor cleaner project. It is an autonomous floor cleaner bot that uses sound to break the electrostatic bond between the dirt and the floor. This may clean stains in carpets. It consists of two separate modes: one is for separating the bond of the dirt on the floor and vacuuming that up, and another has a polishing cloth that polishes the surface as the bot progresses, giving the floor a shine without needing wax.

Another one would be either an attachment or a different bot that can clean carpets the same way. Not as much suction will be needed once the electrostatic attraction of the dirt with the fibers is neutralized.

The bot may be powered with conventional batteries to begin with and retrofit later with permanent power supplies that do not need recharging. (see Cut the Cords)

The bot can also be programmable from a laptop, tablet or phone for different routines and times for cleaning that do not interfere with the user. If the bot is on tracks instead of wheels, it can go up stairs or prevent from suffering from the upside down turtle syndrome that some floor bots seem to get into, as it would be able to right itself. This would be similar to some tank track wheelchairs that can climb stairs and prevents the user from falling out. Gyroscopic stabilization can also be used for this purpose.

As this obviates the need for detergent or floor wax, this unit may see blow back from those industries, but the consumer will be more independent because of this, and can be seen as a “green technology”.

Project 8: Laser Heat Shrink Tube Tool
Description: It uses a 450 nanometer 1 watt laser that is de-focused to treat heat shrink tubing (every color except for blue) and does an excellent job, better than a Bic lighter. It is especially useful in tight quarters. Due to the reflectivity it cannot melt solder, but is a good heat source otherwise and when the focus is adjusted can do some limited cutting. An indispensable tool in the shop!

Project 9: All Terrain Wheelchair
Description: This one is an electric wheelchair that has tank tracks instead of wheels. It can go anywhere and even climb stairs if needed. It can turn on its axis as well. 

The power supply can begin as a conventional battery operated version, later with a permanent battery (see Cut the Cords). 

It also has onboard an electrolysis system with water, splitting that into hydrogen and oxygen for supplemental oxygen. This means that the user of the chair no longer needs to carry onboard bottles of oxygen if they need it, as it is made in real time from water. Onboard floats that can be filled with air can also enable the chair to cross flooded areas if need be.

The Mark 2 version would use Gallimore deflexion crystals or Nassikas lifters for hovering capability and would be wheel-less.

This wheelchair would be an interim system, when the RegenPod is built and in use, there would be no need for wheelchairs at all at some point.

Project 10: Bicycle with Continuously Variable Transmission (CV)
Description: This system uses two V-shaped split pulleys that are internally spring loaded and when more torque is applied to the pedals, it automatically spreads the pulley apart changing the gear ratio. On the other pulley, the opposite is true, and centrifugal force changes the position of the belt on the pulley to gear that one up. This system can also be applied to other human-powered systems as well for what amounts to an automatic transmission.

For the replacement of electric powered bicycles, one possibility is a flywheel. Flywheels have up to 3 times the energy density of batteries, and last as long as the bearings hold up. This does two things: store energy and stabilize the bicycle. With the gimble locked, the bike will remain upright, so if one has a motorcycle based on this, no need for putting one’s feet on the ground at a stoplight is needed. The flywheel also adjusts the inertial mass of the non-electric bike or motorcycle and prevents it from tipping over in high winds, lending a considerable safety factor.

This one is very marketable, and will be in high demand once offered.

Part 3B: The Technology – Definitely Disruptive

Project 11: Axis (also called the Dermal Regenerator)
Description: This one was the proof of concept for the Tom Bearden 2001 Provisional Patent. It uses a proprietary crystal rod of nonlinear material edge pumped with one 450 nm and another 650 nm laser. This creates a beat frequency between them, as well as pumping the nuclei of the crystalline material. The lasers may be a bit underpowered, but seems to get the job done at 100 milliwatts per laser. A shimmering effect is seen when in operation. Several prototypes have been sent to therapists and clinics on Spain. None have returned and none have sent reports, probably too frightened to do so.

It causes healing at an accelerated rate, stimulating the formation of stem cells. It is the most rapid with soft tissue, especially skin for cuts and abrasions. It seems to have a positive effect on skin with collagen, but no reports have been documented, with only anecdotal feedback. It also seems to have a positive effect on deeper tissue such as ligaments, and a dog that had an accident falling about 15 feet had the healing time cut to a third. I take one of these when I go hiking, as it is remarkable for healing sprained ankles.

Project 12: Regeneration Pod (RegenPod)
Description: The Regeneration Pod (Regen or PurplePod) is based on the 2001 Provisional Patent of Thomas Bearden. Here is the working theory: All matter, living or otherwise, emit photons carry information about the object. Living matter has biophotons. These biophotons carry all the information about the organism and constitute an “invisible wire” as Nikola Tesla put it, connecting it to the source of emission. Quantum mechanically, it also carries the entire past of that source of emission and all probabilities as well.

Phase conjugation produces an antiwave that is time reversed, operating in negative time and is emitted from nuclei, all nucleons in the universe. This is slightly lower in amplitude to the waves in positive time interacting with the electron shells of the atoms. Those waves produce entropy and aging that we are familiar with. For centuries we only were concerned with those because we didn’t know about the other half that was negentropic.

But since the CPT invariance, which is now being suppressed, or at least the time part is, we know about the other half. Paul Dirac was the one to really dive deep into this, and he predicted that there were mirror images of the material world that we were familiar with, time reversed matter we call anti-matter now.

The CPT invariance goes like this: if you invert or flip one of these, charge, parity or time, you flip them all. We know that the electron shells, with negative charge exist in positive time. But the nuclei have a positive charge, and so therefore exist in negative time. But it gets better–an electromagnetic wave, a common photon, consists of an alternating positive and negative charge along with a magnetic vector that is alternating as well. Does this mean that the photon carries both positive as well as negative time?


But most of the time we do not see this negative time half, because it interacts with the nucleons, and almost everything we do in normal chemistry and physics deals with electron shell interactions in positive time. You might say the negative time side is infolded, unseen.

But what is a phase conjugate replica of an EM wave? It is exactly spatially in phase superimposed over the original wave, but 180 degrees out of phase in the time dimension. This is flipped inside out and the negative time side can have a higher amplitude than the positive time side. But due to the internal dynamics of the wave, it’s internal engines, when it interacts with normal matter, looks like it is still moving in positive time, but is inducing a negative change. This wave has a memory, and with enough energy will cause the organism to move from age to youth, or from disease to health. This is real regeneration, right down to the quantum level.

It’s not a time machine–it moves forward in time, but quantum entangles with a past self, or even a potential past self in a different probability to induce that change. This is perfectly allowable in quantum mechanics, and has been known for decades. And too has the tech.

Phase 1: Quick and Simple
A massage or treatment table is required, the one with the hole for your head if you’re lying down. But in this case, we make a wooden frame on either side to accommodate 4 axis units on each side, with power supplies. That’s actually pretty simple and will not cost much for the next proof of concept.

We also scale down and edge pump some lithium niobate wafers on either side of a microscope slide to determine the optimum power density while doing live cell analysis. For the 8 axis units, if we have 200 milliwatts per unit, the output power is 1.6 watts. The human body puts out about 5 watts of longitudinal wave EM, so we’re a little low for matching the output. But it’s a start. The microscope will give us a better idea where to go to power up on the next phase.

Phase 2: The Elysium Bed
This one consists of a long rod, at least the length of the body, or several sections that are joined with a material that has the same refractive index as the rods to prevent back-reflection before the pump photons get to the end of the rod assembly. Each laser is about 2.5 watts, for a total of 5 watts of pump wave power. The rods have a larger diameter to accommodate the higher power level. The single rod assembly is rotated around the body using a large ring gear with a 180 degree sweep back and forth. Each cycle is approximately one minute or a little more.

Phase 3: Stationary Bed with Side Frame
This one is made so that instead of using the single rod, an array similar to the axis units are used, but with slabs of nonlinear crystal material instead. Each slab is edge pumped with 5 watts per slab, and a total of 10 slabs. The pumps are on top and bottom, and is adjustable for the size of the patient. This increases the power to 50 watts total, which will be adjustable as well, based on the data from the microscopy work.

More than likely, the amount of power will not be linear, but rather nonlinear in relation to the speed of regeneration. So therefore we will not require 5000 watts of pump power to generate a 1000:1 ratio. Once the tissues saturate with the regeneration energy, it will rapidly change. 

Now two emitters on either side, as we did in Phase 1, does something amazing. It does what Bearden calls “iterative ping-pong” or a standing wave, but one that is in negative time and self amplifying. This is why I don’t think 5000 watts would be needed to power the emitters as treating the space between the emitters as a standing wave structure or resonant cavity would be far more elegant. Also standing waves such as these lead to matter coherence, which is a fascinating property of matter where the die Broglie wave structures come into coherence with each other. In this case, dissonance really is disease.

Project 13: Crystal Laser Wand
Description: These units use monochromatic lasers of different wavelengths: 450, 550, and 650 nm. It is a low level laser treatment device that employs multiple internal reflections inside the crystal. These multiple reflections cause a pumping of the nuclei of the crystal and the time reversal healing effect as mentioned in the Bearden Provisional patent of 2001.

The lasers only have a lifetime of 10,000 hours. The 450 nm units are good for treating gum disease and mouth infections. It seems to also have a balancing effect energetically. Only one type of non linear crystal has been tested, but the possibilities of greater effects with others needs to be evaluated.

Project 14: Mini-Priore Wand (also called Plasma Wand)
Description: This one is a combination of the Bearden 2001 Provisional Patent and Antoine Priore’s device. It uses a non-linear crystal, magnets to polarize the internal pump laser, and a xenon flash tube with specific modulation frequencies. These frequencies can be related to Royal Rife’s work, or other bio specific frequencies. This one has also gone through extensive testing, and the latest version uses three lasers that can be switched or blended in different pump effects for treatment. It has been tested with migraine headaches, which seems to provide relief within 5 minutes. It also has been tested on soft tissue damage with positive results.

Project 15: Optical Torsion Field Generator
Description: This is a further development of the phase conjugation concept in the Bearden 2001 Provisional Patent. This one has six lasers tied in pairs, and a three phase sequencer that creates a rotating field, theoretically circular polarized. It also creates a time reversal effect as these lasers are pumping a nonlinear crystal in the center of the field, thus also creating a torsion field. The combination of these three effects is quite unique, and seems to be at first disorienting when viewed from above, like spinning on your heels excessively. This is probably due to a swirl in the fluid in the middle ear. It also has a psychotropic effect that seems to extend about a meter away. The specific effect seems to be related to the rotation frequency, and can be either calming or psychedelic.

Further testing is needed for this device, and perhaps more powerful lasers to extend the range. The current lasers are rated at 100 milliwatts. It has also been suggested to use magnets to further polarize the beams for an enhanced effect, and this may be tried at a later time.

Project 16: Blood Treatment Using Phase Conjugation
Description: Two Axis units are placed inside a case containing a cuvette, a tube that has a spiral internal baffle that swirls the blood to the internal ID of the quartz tube. These quartz tubes are originally used for UVBI (Ultra Violet Blood Irradiation).

UVBI has been in use since the 1930’s and has shown remarkable effects, essentially disabling viral, bacterial and fungal pathogens and essentially making a vaccine inside the body. In this case, there is no direct exposure of the laser energy to the blood, but the biophoton output is linked to the output of the nonlinear crystal rods of the Axis unit, creating a feedback loop and a negative temporal resonance, apparent time reversal.This charges up the protein components of the blood like a capacitor, and that charge persists for several days.

Some of these components re-radiate light in a darkened room and it is theorized that there is direct energy transfer from these components to the tissues inside the body. Very positive effects have been seen with the testing of the unit and another more advanced version is on the way with variable wavelength irradiation of the nonlinear crystal components, selectively charging different blood elements and proteins.

Project 17: Cold Distillation of CBD Using a Reduced Pressure Vacuum
Description: A high vacuum pump is employed on a solution containing CBD marijuana extract. The solution can either be water or alcohol based.

Temperature of the hard vacuum is typically zero degrees Celsius or somewhat below that. This prevents breakdown of the bio active components of the CBD and a much more potent product with different properties. The mildly anti-cancer properties of normal CBD are magnified and when the CBD was tested on a dog with a tumor, within a week using daily applications of 1-10 grams the tumor disappeared in conjunction with DMSO as a transport agent.

A method of recycling the alcohol is needed for the vacuum pump, or a different pump entirely perhaps, based upon the Tesla vacuum pump outlined in the book “Boundary Layer Breakthrough” by Jake Possell. This system can also be used for distillation of different plant extracts as well to increase their potency, and to vacuum freeze dry fruits and vegetables at the source.

Energy Devices

Project 18: Lawrence Tseung Transformer
Description: This unit originally from inventor Lawrence Tseung, and seen in the Patrick J. Kelly book on free energy devices, contains a magnet in the path of the magnetic flux of the frame.

This magnet acts like a magnetic diode, passing the magnetomotive force (MMF) from the primary to the secondary, but blocking the back MMF from the load on the secondary from reaching the primary. It has been tested by Tseung and others, and achieved a COP (Coefficient Of Performance) of 1.5 thus far. If the COP cannot be increased, the units can be staged so that the COP would be directly related to the number of stages in the system. The output can then be tied to the input of the driver for the unit, and closed loop operation obtained.

The device tested used a 3D printed ferrite core, but did not perform as expected. It may require either laser cut grain oriented laminations, or metglas as recommended by Tom Bearden for his MEG. It is currently shelved for now and will be re-examined at a later date.

Project 19: Resonant “Warm” Plasma Fusion Device
Description: After examining the Egley, Patterson and Rossi devices, it was decided to test an experiment using phonon resonance, this is the effect of “ringing” the nuclei with the longitudinal frequencies that tend to de-stabilize nucleons and partially neutralize the Coulomb barrier.

This approach uses a two-step process: one to initiate hydrogen & lithium fusion/fission and another to convert aluminum to silicon as is seen in high metallicity stars in the galaxy. The system uses a flyback transformer to initiate the arc and another set of electrodes to initiate the phonon resonance of the nuclei. Performance of the initial experiment was impressive, with an alumina tube having a 2 mm ID and a length of 100 mm. Fuel and catalyst were manually packed by hand, and furnace cement used as a sealant for the tube.

The unit seemed to have a COP significantly higher than 1.0, but could not be determined exactly due to the failure of the seal causing loss of hydrogen inside the tube after 20 minutes. A new system using an injection molding of the sealant to the tube will be tried next. No significant X or gamma emissions were detected. New testing will resume soon.

Project 20: Halbach Array Motor
Description: The Halbach Array is a peculiar arrangement of magnets that results in a “one-sided magnet”. Up to 90% of the flux is on one side and 10% on the other. There are other bizarre properties associated with the arrangement, for example flux compression. The strength does not drop off in an inverse square manner, but inverse cubed. This results in a highly compressed field geometry.

When the array was placed on a refrigerator on the strong side, it had to be beat off of it with a rubber mallet and wooden wedges, seemingly magnifying the strength of the magnets. The problem with a successful construction of an all-magnet motor is symmetry of the field. When the magnets pass the stator, just as much energy is generated in dragging them back as pulled them forward, resulting in a zero vector for kinetic energy output. Due to the asymmetric magnetic field, it is proposed that the Halbach array may be the solution for this problem.

Due to the difficulty in getting the magnets inside the holders, the project was shelved for now. Non-magnetic insertion tools will need to be designed and implemented. The theory seems valid, and there is no intention to discard this project as of yet, merely to revisit it with the proper tooling in the future.

Project 21: Magnetic Wankel
Description: A stator consisting of an offset or elliptical arrangement of magnets are used for the motor. In testing, it was seen with a magnetic viewer that a very strange effect was taking place for the geometry of the field, which was totally unexpected. This may have been due to the fact of the 3D printed rotor and stator, and no ferromagnetic backing material for the stator. A rearrangement of the stator magnets may solve this problem, as well as a redesign of the rotor.

The magnets were removed and placed into a wind generator that was a complete failure, and cannot be removed without destroying them, so another set will be re-ordered and tested at some point in the future. Math models of the new design look promising, and testing will prove the validity of that model.

Project 22: Implosion Transformer
Description: Nikola Tesla did some unusual transformer designs because he had the ability to think way outside the box. One design was a ribbon conductor wound as a capacitor with one connection at a diametrically opposite place on the device.

To give some background, spiral wound capacitors are made by taking a foil and a center insulator called a dielectric that is impregnated with oil or a high K dielectric, insulating the outside of the ribbons and winding those in a spiral coil form. It gives the appearance of a ribbon coil, with the exception that the conductors are not electrically connected to each other. But what about the magnetic field and vector potential? Making the electrical connections on the ends causes the current to flow in equal but opposite vectors, thus canceling out the B field. This is important because we normally do not want the magnetic field of the capacitor to interact with nearby components such as inductors. But what if we make the connections on opposite edges of the coil, so that it is vector additive? This means that during the time current is flowing, while charging and discharging, there is a magnetic field present that can interact with inductors.

However, this magnetic vector potential is 90 degrees away from that of the inductor, so interesting things take place because of this. One being that the back MMF of the load on the secondary cannot normally charge up the capacitor coil to cause charge separation as there is no electrical connection between the plates. It is non-reciprocal.

What seems to happen when a parallel tank circuit is constructed with this configuration? There seems to be an overshoot that is normally seen with undamped amplifier circuits in feedback mode. It is speculated that part of the magnetic vector potential of the secondary normal helical coil actually does interact with the capacitor coil. How much of a fraction of this is not known at this time, but there is enough of a coupling coefficient to cause this effect. With the implosion transformer in its current configuration, the primary and secondary are in close contact magnetically, with an iron loop core that contains the output coil. This output coil can produce an MMF that interacts with the secondary as a means of regulating the magnitude of the feedback.

In testing, the input is placed on the capacitor coil primary on the exterior with one lead on the outside exterior plate and the other on the center interior opposite that. After powering up with a 100 ohm load on the output coil after a few seconds a bang was heard and there was enough feedback to vaporize a section of the input jumper and cause arcing across the capacitor coil.

It is interesting to note the system was not in optimal resonance at that time, and if it were, the destruction would have occurred within a few cycles.

This device was shelved at the time due to budgetary constraints and needs to have a better means of regulation in the future, as well as better insulation for the capacitor section instead of motor varnish. This construction was done as closely as possible to the original in 1910 for testing purposes. It holds promise, and needs to be re-examined in the future.

Project 23: Tesla Switch (Bedini Version)
Description: This is the version from a paper done back in 1984 by John Bedini and Eike Muller. The theory of the Tesla switch is there is an electrical resonance of the ionic dielectric media of the battery, as well as other factors. Heavy ions, such as lead, take a long time to accelerate and decelerate in solution, so the switching is done fast enough, typically at 400 Hz, to prevent the ions from making a complete trip from one plate to the other for discharge.

In practice, one can see vortexes or swirls of ions in the solution, reminding one of the swirling electron cloud of magnetrons. In Bedini’s documentation, one battery consistently went dead because of a misconnection seen in the schematic. This was also seen in the testing. Also, the tech used was vintage 1970s that caused considerable heat build up in the audio amplifier transistors used. The free running of the system also caused frequency drift as well.

It is interesting to note that John had one of these inside a plexiglas box at one of the Tesla Symposia that ran for the entire event, and did not discharge, indicating that he deliberately changed the schematic to one that did not function as efficiently. 

It is also interesting to note the history of this device. It has been around since the beginning of the 20th century and has been tested several times through the years. It began with a mechanical switching system and worked at that time. Another company tested it at higher frequencies, as high as 800 Hz, but it overloaded the output circuits and overheated the batteries at that time. It literally overcharged itself despite a heavy load.

The fix for the current errors in the system is to upgrade it with correct wiring, high efficiency MOSFETS that have a low on state resistance and a switching system triggered by an Arduino. This project was shelved for now, but will be revived when new resources are available.

Project 24: Clemente Figuera Transformer
Description: Clemente Figuera was a contemporary of Nikola Tesla, who corresponded with him. He constructed a transformer that is essentially what would be considered today an inverter transformer. It consisted of three coils: two on the ends and one in the middle of a standard iron core, and gaps between the two ends “C” sections and the center “I” core.

There are no specifications on these air gaps, which may be critical to the operation. It also had a rotary device that produced a varying voltage between the end coils, either one would increase as the other decreased in intensity. They were opposite in polarity, producing an AC sine wave signal in the center core.

When the two were equal in intensity, the magnetic circuit would bypass the center coil, causing a collapse there. Any back MMF in the load would therefore be diverted to the two end coils, which were varying amplitude DC and not AC. 

Figuera supposedly was operating a 20 horsepower well pump with his generator as well as powering other equipment. This is documented. The patent office seems to have a spate of bad luck with his patent, those being fires, floods, and at times both of those. What we have now is a partial patent and description, but not the whole thing.

Instead of the mechanical signal generator, a system set up with an Arduino sequencing system was set up producing a stair step waveform similar to the original. A core was specified from Permag of UK, and instead of three cores, they cut the laminations for one without the gaps. This is in the unit that was tested.

After the lockdown they ceased operations and any laminations will have to be laser cut in house to replicate it closer to the original design. Also, the assumption was that the same material was used for all 3 coils, which may not be the case at all. At the turn of the century, many different materials were being tested with differing drift velocities and properties. These tend to confound present researchers in replicating those devices. One such example is the Hubbard coil, which evidently used different materials between the primary and secondary coils.

In construction, two deviations may be noted: one, a lack of an air gap, and two, copper magnet wire used throughout the device. Also, Figuera does not specify, at least in the fragments thus seen, the material of the core. It may be an iron powder or sintered core and not laminated at all. The significance of this is that with a high hysteresis core, the back MMF would be greatly diminished from the center output coil due to the high remnant magnetic field of the two DC input coils. This must also be taken into consideration.

Due to these factors, the output of the device was not impressive at all, and had an overall COP of 0.89, less than a standard transformer. This device was also shelved, and the test data decided to be inconclusive based on departures from the original design. 

Project 25: Dual Rotor Magnetic Motor
Description: This one was based on the work of John Ecklin, who made some reciprocating magnetic motors that nearly worked, but due to the excessive energy needed to pull back the magnetic shields, never went higher than a COP of 1.0. Since a rotary version did not have moving shields, those being wedges of magnetic core material, it was decided that it had a high chance of success. That was the theory.

The first device used aircraft aluminum for the side plates and rotors with magnetically permeable wedges for shields. Each rotor had 8 poles synchronized with spur gears on the ends to keep the timing from drifting. When the prototype was spun by hand it did not have starting torque. When afterwards it was spun with a hand drill, the side plates began spreading apart and stretching the bolts. It was discovered later that using aluminum, due to it’s diamagnetic properties, was a bad material selection. In fact, it is now known to be the material used in the tracks of maglev trains.

The project needs to have rotors made of high impact engineering grade plastic, probably 3D printed and the project re-tested. Also, the design can have different angles for the magnets tested as well, which seemed to work well for the Perendev motor. The magnetic vector angle for the forces are extremely critical, and just a few degrees can make the difference between success and failure. The fact there was no starting torque, even though the math model indicated there would be, also is disturbing and needs examination.

Project 26: Folded Path Parametric Transformer
Description: The Halbach array is not the only way of concentrating magnetic flux. In fusion research, most notably the Baseball 2 reactor, the containment system was innovative. Imagine the stitching on a baseball, and make a coil form that looks like that. If the gap were sufficiently small it will create an asymmetry in the field, and one pole will be an order of magnitude greater in field strength than the other one on the outside. The stresses induced in the core are considerable, and in practice we used a 50 percent dispersion of iron ferrite in high impact engineering plastic that was 3D printed.

A second baseball coil was placed in the slot of the first one to act as a secondary and testing was done. The back MMF of the secondary did not interact in a linear way with the outer folded coil and there did not seem to be an increase in the current draw of the primary.

Project 27: Ball Bearing Gear:
Description: A gear with sockets holding ball bearings. Roller bearings can work as well. The other side of the receiving gear surface can either have just sockets or alternating sockets and ball bearings. This does two things: maximize the surface area, and thus minimize the friction and allow the ball bearings to roll inside the sockets also minimizing friction. Initial tests with 3D printed holders for the ball bearings proved successful, and worthy of further attention. The gears are silent, and would minimize gear noise thus increasing efficiency. This project is noteworthy and in need of further development.

Project 28: Infinity Engine
Description: Various names were seen on the net for this—infinity engine, Freedom engine, etc. This project consisted of a conventional car alternator with the windings and brushes removed from the rotor core and neodymium magnets inserted instead. In the video, it shows powering different tools such as drills and other devices running on 240 volts. In practice, it was shown to only produce 12-14 volts. Why the discrepancy? It was determined the alternator stator was re-wound with thinner wire and a high inductance circuit. With a higher winding number, 20 times what was originally in there, the voltage would be consequently higher.

What would be the difference in a high inductance versus a low one? Thane Heins showed this in his experiments. This is also true with the Bedini energizer, which also needs an enormous inductance of 2-9 Henries. Also seen with the Joe Newman motor. This phenomena is also called the Delayed Lenz Effect.

With large inductances, the time constant of charging and discharging of the coil causes the back MMF to be delayed, and if the rotational frequency/induction is great enough, it can act as a motoring action, with forward instead of back torque. Thane Heins claims to have done this with his prototypes, but thus far has not agreed to independent testing here.

Project 29: Thermal Solar using a Tesla Turbine for Power Generation
Description: A bolt-on heat exchanger with a low boiling point working fluid such as isobutane with a Tesla turbine. 

Normal PV panels have a conversion efficiency of 15-20% which declines with increasing temperature. The mechanical version uses thermal panes with a high collection efficiency combined with a 90% turbine and 90% efficient alternator for an overall efficiency of 81%.

With 4 times the efficiency of PV and the prospect of water and zone heating on top of that, also being much cheaper per watt than PV, it is far more attractive than conventional solar PV panels. It also does not suffer the 20 year life expectancy of photovoltaics, with easily replaceable components.

A solar farm could generate 4 times the electricity in the same area, or the mechanical component can operate reverse osmosis pumps providing fresh water to communities. A small solar farm can also supply hot water to spas as well as greenhouses to grow vegetables in the winter.

Project 30: Superconductive Electret
Description: Here goes the theory: YBCO (Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide) is normally non-polar, but a high temperature superconductor. By adding additives such as but not limited to iodine, a polar condition can be achieved. The material is placed in an acoustic field in a granular state at the same time that a high voltage DC potential is placed across the device. This lines up the granules. A light pressing is done to lock in the polarization mechanically. After this a greater pressing is done in a hydraulic press, and a sintering operation is done to weld the particles in contact with one another. After cooling to room temp, the device is then supercooled in liquid nitrogen.

This is where things get tricky. If some of the domains are not aligned, it can generate superconductive eddy currents in the Cooper pairs and shatter the device. If alignment is sufficient, then the remnant polarization will be stable at liquid nitrogen temps and a current extracted from the device dependent on the internal resistance, which may be higher than a superconductive state. The device will continue to operate as long as supercooled. Part of the output can be used for operation of a cryostat to provide a liquid nitrogen bath for the device. Other than that, if for example a 12 volt remnant with a large resistance can safely provide an output of 100 amps for 1200 watts output. This lower current output is because of the non-superconductive components outside to handle the current. Each device can also be strung together in series for higher voltages for running high current demand devices such as electric vehicles, ships, aircraft or submarines.

Project 31: Kron Electret (PEPP – Perpetual Energy Power Pak)
Description: Gabriel Kron, according to Tom Bearden, made an honest to goodness negative resistor. What is that? Well, anything that is a voltage source instead of a drop can be considered a negative resistor, such as a battery. So one could say that Kron made a permanent battery.

Kron was an engineer for GE (General Electric) and was well published, with the most notable one being “Tensors for Circuits”. He also had two main projects: one being a PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient) thermistor and another being the condenser, or what we would call today the electret microphone.

Engineers then as well as today had crossover projects that combined the properties of two, or at times many projects for something that combined the best elements of those, like an engineer at a buffet table. The microphone was a device that was polarized and used the electric field effect of that polarization to generate a signal from the sound input. The thermistor on the other hand was not polarized, but would have particles in the interior that would separate and increase the resistance of the device based on temperature increase.

It is not difficult to imagine a combination of these for a polarized thermistor. So what would that do? If one had a phi dot potential directly connected to the vacuum (polarizing the material also polarized the vacuum around it) the problem is how to tap that. If there were conductive particles that were separated at multiples of the coulomb wavelength of the electron, then the electron would get a kick every time it transitioned from a particle to a wave going from conductive particle to conductive particle.

Think of it this way: you want to cross a stream by jumping from rock to rock from one side to the other. Normally this would dissipate energy, and that is what the PTC thermistor does. The more separation, the more energy required to jump to the next rock, and thus the more energy dissipated. This is what the thermistor normally does. Now let’s imagine a line of people on either side of the gaps in the rocks. As you jump, they pull/push and give you more energy at each jump. Now you get to the other side with more energy than you started with, flying to the other shore. That is what a negative resistor is and does. The phi dot can only interact with the electron when it’s in its wave state and that happens in the jump from particle to particle inside the thermistor. But since the phi dot is replenished in real time and does not diminish, the device is a permanent battery. It never runs down.

Kron ran a device called a network analyzer off of something like this, and it did not require an external power supply. This is documented and it happened. He had an NDA that prevented him from revealing the details. But it’s not hard to imagine what those details are.

So how do we build, or perhaps re-build this? First we need to get the construction details for the PTC thermistor for the era Kron was working in. That’s not so easy. Even after decades, the construction details and formulas are closely guarded secrets. We also need the formulation of the condenser mike at that time.

The next step, after our information is obtained, is to combine the two and testing. The polarized PTC should be it’s own regulator. The hotter it gets, the less current will flow through it, so no problems with fires or explosions. It’s inherently safe. If it seriously overheats, it might lose the polarization and stop working entirely, so that would have to be watched.

Different versions of this project is planned to be used for various appliances, electronics and air/land/water craft. This project has high confidence, and needs serious consideration.

Project 32: The Mazenauer Turbine
Description: The Mazenauer turbine is the realization of Viktor Schauberger’s implosion or air breathing turbine. It was originally done in copper, as it is really a thermodynamic machine.

How it works is ingenious in itself. Air comes in through the center section which has a spiral cut, accelerating the airflow to the center section, which is a venturi. A venturi increases the velocity of the air while decreasing the pressure. It is how all the old carburetors worked. So if the incoming air is 300 Kelvin, it is first slightly compressed and accelerated. In the venturi, the pressure drops by a factor of 2. The temp in the center is now 150 Kelvin. Since the turbine shell is one massive heat sink, it gives up some of that heat to the airflow in the center. Let’s say it warms up to 200 Kelvin, which is still minus 70 degrees C. Now it goes to the exhaust section of the turbine. Now the temp is no longer 300 Kelvin, but 400 because it absorbed the heat from the center venturi section. The pressure ratio is 400/300 or approximately 1.33 bars. This drives the blades on the expander section. The pressure differential between the input side and output also provides a thrust as well, and in diagrams it had to be held down with a heavy fixture.

Where does the heat come from? The environment around the turbine. The center section is the absorber, and it pulls it from either side. The heated air exits the expander before it can cool down too much and the air entering does the same. The one thing I would add to the design would be a finned radial heat sink in the center section for better absorption from the environment and optimized heat flow.

In the original design, no throttle section was implemented and it destroyed itself from over speeding. In the re-engineered version, a restrictor plate can be used on the input side to prevent over speeding.

This is also a project with high confidence, and needs development.

Project 33: Karl Schaeffer Super Cavitation Turbine
Description: The Schaeffer Super Cavitation Turbine is a device that was originally built in the 1970s, and extensively tested by several companies and individuals. It was also featured in a magazine by Tom Valentine called News Real.

The testing that was done varied the COP between 6-8, with a peculiar colored steam that glowed blue in color and did not drop in temperature a considerable distance from the generator.

The water entered the device from a tap cold and the steam produced enough pressure to cause a self-running condition of the turbine with enough power left over for the shaft to turn other devices such as generators or alternators.

It was theorized the cavitation caused a release of energy from the water similar to the cold fusion experiments of Patterson. Based on the drawings of the device, it was amazing they were able to get it built with the tolerances and tech available in the 70s. Some of the ports needed to be done with either wire EDM or laser drilled, as they were very, very small. 

Project 34: ML Converter (Methernitha Distatica)
Description: This device is a symmetry-breaking system consisting (originally) of a stator that has a high DC potential on segmented disks and a rotor that has the appearance of something looking similar to a Wimshurst Generator that produces high voltage DC. But appearances can be deceiving and most of the ML converter that the community has consists of window dressing concealing the actual properties of the device.

Essentially, it is an asymmetric mechanical capacitor. Each segment consists of alternating negative and positively charged plates. These plates are opposite to plates on the rotor, and as the rotor turns it sees a changing voltage on the opposite plates. Depending on the rotational speed of the device and the 1/ 2(pi)fC formula for capacitive reactance, a rather large reactive current can flow from the plates. If one has 240 volts on the plates and 60 segments that amounts to 60 alternations per rotation.

At 3600 rpm, this would be a rotational frequency of 60 per second times 60 segments or 3600 Hz. If the dielectric between the disks is a barium titanate paint with a k of 8000, then we would have approximately 10 microfarads in the disk and a resistance of 4.42 ohms. Even at a lower rotational frequency, the magnitude of the output would still be considerable. At 240 volts this amounts to 54 amps reactive current at 240 volts, enough to run an entire community if need be.

The question always asked is where does the energy come from? When one breaks symmetry, you no longer have one frame of operation, but two relativistically. The normal laws of conservation only belong to one frame only, and now we have two. It has long been known in physics that energy conservation laws do not apply in highly curved spacetime, or relativistic systems.

This is another device with high confidence, since it is already operational, and needs investigation and work.

Project 35: William Barbat Transformer
Description: Barbat has several papers and patents on his theories and it is amazing it has remained buried as deep as it is. It really breaks down to this: drift velocities in conductors is directly related to the atomic weight and density of those conductors and available free electrons in its outer orbitals. 

It goes like this: When the electrons went from the copper to the aluminum, they had to gain kinetic energy for the higher velocity. This is absorbed from the environment in the form of infrared photons, producing a cooling effect. Now you have relatively faster electrons moving in the aluminum wire. They encounter the copper terminals, and have to slow down. They produce braking radiation, called Bremsstrahlung and radiate infrared photons, heat. This heat is dumped into the terminals producing apparently anomalous heating. It has nothing to do with work functions any more than hummingbird farts contribute to global warming. This is also how Peltier devices work.

So we already have proof of the theory. What do we do with that? Barbat has the solution. He also did the in-depth analysis of the Hubbard coil and discovered there was nowhere near enough radium on the coils to produce the power he was getting. It was a red herring. Let’s have three coils, a copper input coil, one that is aluminum for an amplifier coil, and a copper output coil on the inside of that one. But here’s the devil in the details: the aluminum cannot contact the copper.

The Bremsstrahlung effect will cancel out the amplifier. It is connected to itself as a free running inductor. Let’s say we have 200 volts at 1 amp going into the input coil. That coil has 30 turns producing 30 gauss (ampere turns). But what is an ampere? It is a number of electrons moving past a given point. Lots of exponents, or 6.241 x 1019 electrons, approximately.

The current in the output coil couples to the aluminum amplifier coil. But now the aluminum has double the drift velocity and with the same turns of 30 has the equivalent of 2 amps flowing. Same number of electrons, double the velocity. That generates 60 gauss. That field collapses onto the output coil generating 200 volts at 2 amps, or 400 watts. So we have 200 watts on the input, and 400 on the output for a COP of 2.0. We can juggle the input and output materials to get more than that, but you get the idea.

For example, if we use graphene for an amplifier coil with an atomic weight of 12, that is one fifth that of copper, so we have a COP of 5 which is much better. We can also stage these for a higher COP if need be.

Where does the extra energy come from? Think of a convex lens, like a magnifying glass. Light wave fronts strike the surface of the lens. The propagation velocity of light inside the lens is slightly less than the air, or vacuum for that matter. Because of the geometry of the lens, it exits with a converging wave front.

The lens is denser than the air, and therefore has a greater spacetime curvature. This tiny difference causes the change in the velocity of light. It’s the same with the electrons in the conductors. Higher densities mean slower propagation, and less mean faster propagation. So what we are really doing is breaking symmetry. That’s all.

Project 36: Thane Heins Experiments
Description: Thane had 2 devices: one was in the Patrick J. Kelly book mentioned earlier and the other on his web site. The one in the book had 3 coils, one primary, one secondary and another that might be called a trinary for diverting the back MMF from the load. It was an ingenious way of diverting the back MMF that Tom Bearden called a giant Sumo wrestling match inside the transformer.

In some cases transformer cores have shattered from the stresses of the massive electromagnetic repulsion inside the core material. This has been known since the beginning by those that do transformer design, but not so much by normal electrical engineers that are systems oriented and do not focus on the details.

Thane mentioned that the theoretical COP was 8, but he was getting 6. Still not bad.

This wasn’t the only device Thane was working with. He also had one that used a delayed Lenz law effect. 

It had to do with the time constant of inductive devices. With large time constants that are analogous to large masses with equally large inertia, it takes time for the coil to charge up. This means that it also takes a longer time for the back MMF to build up from the load and react to the incoming magnetic flux.

This causes changing in the phase of the back MMF, and if severe enough, can act as a motor action or acting as a source of power for the incoming magnetic flux. A friend of mine, Evens and I, talked about this phenomenon and the fact the back MMF acted as a bucking power input, or source of power. Some inventors noticed this, such as Juan Ortigosa of Ortronic or Paul Brown. Their devices used this effect, such as the stationary armature generator (SAG) of Paul Brown.

This delayed Lenz law effect has been replicated by a researcher on the Netherlands, first with a Bedini energizer that had a 2 henry inductance in the coil and then with a microwave transformer that had a 9 henry high voltage secondary for the magnetron. Joe Newman’s coil was a bit higher than that. It seems there is a critical rotational frequency for the Bedini energizer that is far higher than normal electric motors can supply, as the experiment needed a variable frequency drive to boost it to multiples of the line frequency. The microwave transformer required a bit over 900 Hz to get the same effect.

The variable frequency drive outputs a sine wave to the load, in this case the microwave transformer primary, so the feedback must be considerable in order for any overloads to trip. I noticed there were no series resonant caps in the output side for the high inductance secondary and no parallel caps for a tank circuit on the primary, such as the ones Paul Brown used in his SAG generator. This may be a significant improvement.

It has been suggested that a step-up gearbox could be added to a wind machine for motor action on the generator, but this at first glance would not be practical, as getting the generator up to the correct speed would require a huge amount of starting torque for the wind turbine and would most likely not work. Perhaps combining a motive force for an ML converter with the wind turbine might be a better choice.

Based on the videos of the replication experiments, this one also has high confidence.

Project 37: Robert Alexander Patent
Description: At first glance this is a simple motor generator where the windings for the generator are wound in the same slots as the motor and constitutes a spinning transformer with the collapsing field of the motor going to the generator side.

The flyback potential of the collapsing field has been well known, and devices such as the Lindemann rotary attraction motor that had a bar-shaped rotor with a flyback recycling system is a good example of this effect. Lindemann has since deleted this from his site, but it can still be accessed with the Wayback machine.

For the Alexander device, the story goes that the inventor put this into an electrified Volkswagen and drove it around town on San Diego. He is another inventor that is no longer breathing air. There was an interview with a local TV station and a writeup about the car and motor, which in retrospect was a really bad idea.

There are ways of producing the effect without actually rotating anything. Holcomb Energy Systems recently had to relocate to Ireland, is one example of this. Since the bad guys are watching those examining the Alexander patent and ordering cores with both commutator and slip ring assemblies, the best we can do to mess up their tyrannical game is to go around this, and use the effect without the hardware of the actual generator. This will be done off-site with an inventor that understands the effect and what hardware is needed to do this.


Project 38 38: Warp Coil
escription: This one began with research into Viktor Schauberger’s work as well as Robert Cook and others. It is a non-compensated centrifugal force device. Cook had a mechanical system that would produce reversible 180 degree alternations of a weight in a device that passed the pendulum test.

The pendulum test, where the device is suspended at the end of a line or rope and the angle of that rope measured, determines if the device has any kind of net thrust. The pool test is similar to that, where the device is mounted on a boat and is seen whether it accelerates the boat or simply sits there and rocks back and forth. Nassikas had a device, the Lorentz Force Thruster, that passed the pendulum test, and will be discussed later in the list.

The warp coil was first made with lube line that had an ID of .010 inches wrapped around a core with a triskelion path and 20 turns. The pump it was connected to was rated at 2.2 gallons per minute at 2000 psi. There was considerable friction inside the tube, but despite that, the device lost 20% of it’s weight when the fluid loops were pointed up, and would gain the same amount when flipped upside down. This is based on the equation cf=MV2/r, where the effect rises to the square of the velocity, but is linear with an increase in mass flow.

Spreadsheets were generated in Excel, and it indicated that a denser liquid would be needed, either galinstan or a similar liquid metal. Mercury was rejected as being too toxic to work with, although the density was sufficient. It is also noted that if the density were reduced to a fast moving vapor or plasma with 1/1000 the density but 1000 times greater velocity, the effect would be 10002/1000 or 1000 times the effect. Thus a plasma based drive is suggested, possibly superior to the fluid drive.

When the prototype was reconstructed in 2012 using a 600 gallon per minute well pump and garden hose, the weight dropped 20% again, and verified the original experiment. The fluid loops were mainly 180 degrees and represented a non-compensated force component.

This is another experiment that needs further development, and shows great promise.

Project 39: Nassikas Lorentz Force Thruster
Description: Professor Athanassios Nassikas built a Meissner effect magnetic lens in which a permanent magnet was placed. It forced the magnetic flux into an extended and expanded path around one pole and the other was unhindered, being outside the YBCO flux lens.

There has been some measurements of the small device, about the size of a sewing thimble which according to Paul Laviolette amounted to a power density higher than the Space Shuttle’s main engines. This was originally on Paul’s Sphinx Stargate site, but was later removed for unknown reasons, yeah.

After the initial experiments, the story gets murkier. In engineering, one tries to change one variable at a time and to keep the same properties that the device is generating or delivering. What you definitely do not want to do is something that totally departs from the functionality of the device. This is what they did for the Nassikas Thruster 2. There was a critical angle for the flux lens and that angle produced a nonlinear effect.

The original device had an angle of 45 degrees. The other one had an angle of 2-3 degrees, rendering it totally ineffectual. It was debated whether or not this was deliberate sabotage, and from my perspective, it certainly appears that way.

What is needed is a three-fold approach:

1) Repeat the original experiment with rigorous testing quantifying all variables. This means un-ruffling feathers and a solid agreement with Nassikas if he is to participate in the program. This agreement will of course be bi-lateral.

2) After the original data has been obtained and verified, the next step is to substitute the permanent magnet with a superconductive coil. This can be done in several stages, always maintaining the effect. If the constructed device does not demonstrate the effect, then we go back to the version that does, and determine what went wrong to optimize the next design. When the final superconductive version is completed and successful, then testing inside an airframe is done.

3) Testing in an airframe is done. Also testing for different devices, such as lifters for moving heavy equipment and materials for construction to replace cranes.The hoverboard from Back to the Future would also be possible, as other devices such as wheel-less vehicles,VTOL aircraft and backpack lifters (called suspensors in Dune).

This may be one of the most difficult technologies to insert into society due to those that want to keep making profits off of keeping things as they are. In this age we see minimal pushback on the part of the population on this, as they are kept ignorant and distracted with bread and circuses.

Project 40: Transporter
Description: When the Podkletnov experiment was done, a rotating disk lost 2% of it’s weight at 5000 RPM, and 100% at 20,000. This means with 4 times the rotational frequency we get 50 times the effect. It may be more than this, and can be determined by repeating the experiment. For example, if the effect is 64 times that, it may rise to the cube of the rotational frequency.

If we plot this increase, then above a 400 Hz rotational frequency we can get a 90 degree bend in local spacetime. This will be beyond the stress limits of a brittle disk spinning at 70 Kelvin, so we rotate the field instead of the disk. To contain the field, a second disk is placed above the first at a discreet distance. For example, if the disk is 1 foot in diameter or a meter in circumference, then a space equal to the circumference or less is needed between them.

A second set of disks is also used with a radial rotating magnetic field supplied by field coils around he perimeter around each disk. The two sets are synchronized together in phase and frequency. This will produce a quantum entanglement between the two sets. In operation, one places the item to be shipped on the first platform and then energizes the rotation of the field. A signal is phase locked between them so when the first platform is energized, so is the second one. Then to break the entanglement, the amplitude of the field is ramped down in the departing platform, and the item to be shipped is now in the field of the second one. That field is ramped down and de-energized. The object or item to be shipped is now on the second platform.

What will be seen is another matter, as when the event horizon is generated, light will bend around the platforms and the item to be sent will appear to dissolve into thin air. What is actually happening is that the rate of flow of time stops between the disks and the object exists as a set of quantum probability waves connecting with everything in the universe.

The other platform can be seen as an anchor or focus for materialization of the object. Since the effect is simultaneous and non-local, it can be anywhere in the universe. Yes, it is that powerful. No spacecraft would be needed to travel from world to world, and if the rotational velocity of the field equals or exceeds the speed of light, it can also be interdimensional as well, transporting to parallel timelines or worlds.

A larger version, let’s call it the Mark 2, can do the same with large cargo and people, so container ships are no longer needed either, or large air or spacecraft.

Mark 3 will be two annular rings. Let’s call that one the Gate. It does the same thing, only more efficiently with the event horizon just angstroms in depth, but also entangling with a second gate elsewhere. This one can either be based on the YBCO ceramic mentioned earlier, or the Gallimore deflexion crystals, which do not need supercooling. This has also been called a portal or jump ring, and those also apply.

Project 41: Kowsky Frost Experiment and Gallimore Deflexion Crystal
Description: Two scientists at a lab on Poland piezoelectrically overloaded a quartz crystal while putting a pulsed current through it. This caused a re-crystallization of the structure into a high energy quantum state with a concurrent fundamental change in its properties. After treatment, the crystal expanded to approximately 20 times its dimensions on each axis and went opaque to visible light.

When placed between two electrodes that broadcast a low frequency RF on the horizontal axis while a high voltage potential was placed on the vertical axis it produced a lifting effect. This effect was up to 800 times it’s weight.

The experiment was originally in the German publication Radio Umschau, and later covered in The September issue of Science and Invention.

The controversy associated with this comes from a disclaimer in the October issue that said the September issue was an April Fool’s joke. Sorry about that, but you’re a few months late for that sorry excuse. Also, the magazine was bought out shortly after the article appeared, and did not have any disruptive tech appearing after that. Imagine my shock, or lack thereof.

Jerry Gallimore also said the experiment was real, and he repeated it, calling his device a GRASER, or Gravitational Radiation Amplification through Stimulated Energy Resonance. He left his notes with Bob Beutlich, who was a past president of the USPA (United States Psychotronic Association).

Bob nervously denied having them, but an associate found them and photographed the notes in the basement. I have seen the contents of the notes, and it is probably just a fragment of the work that was done. The rest would have to be recreated.

I later interviewed Al Bielek about Jerry’s proposal, which consisted of an annular ring of gravitational amplifiers that looked like the Stargate from the movie. Al confirmed it was Jerry’s design and had nothing to do with aliens they were told. 

Some associates wanted to repeat the experiment, most notably one that went by the name of “Mister X”, and he began to do the experiment on Texas. It began with a small optical grade crystal a few millimeters on a side, less than an inch, and placed on spring loaded electrodes to allow for the expansion.

At first he said there was a milky cloudiness forming in the middle of the crystal, and then spread throughout the structure. The crystal began to expand, and then had a pale blue glow. I asked him to check it with a radiation monitor, as the first thought was possibly Cherenkov radiation. He said it did not register on the meter, so he kept the experiment going. He then asked me about longitudinal radiation output, and I told him a meter would have to be constructed to monitor that, as none were commercially available. He said the glow was visible at night and placed the experiment in a shuttered dark room.

Also it seemed to have a field around it–2 meters or more in radius, and you could feel a kind of wetness on the skin on entering it. At the time I assumed it was an electrostatic field, but with the new information on interdimensional devices having a “wet” feel to the field, I am changing that opinion.

Evidently the powers that be are very touchy about any device that causes longitudinal wave interference with their superluminal communications system. Why do they need a faster than light communication system anyway? Who are they talking to?

The answer to this might come from the work of Bill Ramsay, who did a lot of work with Greg Hodowanec on monitoring longitudinal wave phenomena. He had a device in his lab on South Carolina that looked like a white PVC sewer pipe on an equatorial mount and clock drive. It consisted of a stack of crystal wafers in between electrodes.

When a longitudinal wave passes through a crystal, it compresses the space between the electrodes, including the crystal wafer and generates a voltage that can be amplified. He recorded the sounds that were coming from different star systems; there were some bird-like sounds from the Draconis constellation and something that sounded like ancient Germanic from Sirius. I listened to the recordings, and they were very distinct. Since the Earth is transparent to these waves, he said some of them seemed to be replies coming through the Earth to the Draconis constellation. I don’t doubt that at all.

You may download the full Program on the Funding page. This portion has been edited to show the Tech. The full download has much more information.